Saturday, September 29, 2007


Today's the day of the Juvenile Diabetes Research Fund Walk in Boston. I signed up for it; raised 250 or so. Not much, I know, but it's better than the 100 they ask for. I did alright.

My friend Alaine, from college, will be walking with me just for fun.

I woke up feeling terrible today. Not so much terrible as "really high blood sugar." For no reason too. When I went to bed, it was perfectly normal. Wake up -- sky high. Everything hurts.

Lately I've been waking up tired. I'm grateful that isn't the case this morning. Instead, I just feel like crap.

Hopefully some insulin, water, medicine and maybe, eventually, some breakfast will pep me up.....

I expect that Alaine and I will probably have lunch, chill out a while. Then I need to call my friend Matt and arrange to have dinner.

Then, later tonight or tomorrow morning? Alexis and I need to have a video conference over the new magazine. I can think immediately of some people who's work I want to solicit. But we're not at that stage, just yet. I have the CMS 15 by my side -- I'm reading it for work, anyway, but it has a lot of useful information about publishing standards that will be helpful to us. I love that kind of stuff. I love knowing it.

Right now there seems to be a lot going on in the world that is really disappointing: Myanmar & the monks, for one; the Jena 6; and recently I found myself ina furor over the time wasted by the US Congress in passing a bill to support Genreal Petraeus. I don't know what your stance is on the moveon act; it doesn't matter. The point is, Congress could have used that valuable time to do meaningful work, and allowed the members of the body to individually express their support for the general/condemn moveon. A bill was not necesaary.

In better, exhilitaring news:


The Yankees bit it against the Orioles -- the Orioles, people - no offense Baltimore, but they've pretty much shown that they aren't capable -- Millar excluded of course! And the Sox beat the Minnesota Twins. Also, did I mention that the Yankees suck? Yeah. They do.

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