Friday, October 26, 2007

General Nonsense.

I. Love. The. Red. Sox.

Thank you, boys, for making this so very nice so far. It's been so comfortable that I've been able to sleep at night. I appreciate it.

This weekend and through next Wednesday is going to be crazy here in my hometown: it's Halloween.

Where do I live?

Oh, just in Halloween Town, Massachusetts. Salem. Salem, MA.

The streets are flooded with costumed guests who steal our parking spots in our tiny, crowded red faced city.

Every year for a month, the town is overcrowded.

Every year for a single evening, the town is a sardine can.

It's coming. It's on its way.


In other nonsensical ramblings, I am extremely tired lately. Last night I meant to go to the reading at the Monet Garden in Beverly but missed out because I was conked out by 8, more or less. I'm trying to fix it so that I'm not exhausted all the time. Right now, I could go to sleep. With ease.

Work is lovely -- but silent -- because I get to read and write all day. It's still surreal. Amazing, too, is the fact that landing that job made me confident enough to do things I probably wouldn't have done otherwise. Like start a magazine.

The magazine is still underway, like its website. We are still accepting submissions. You should send some.


I'm supposed to go to a party tonight. At my brother's. I don't know if I can handle it, but I'm going to try.

I want to get some writing done this weekend, as well as some reading, some recreational piano playing, some general chillaxing.

You dig? Chillaxing.


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